Adaptive Riding

Ride for joy provides adaptive horseback riding that supports physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth and development.

Participants often experience many benefits, including:

  • Improved strength, balance, motor skills, and coordination

  • Problem solving and critical thinking skill development

  • Increased confidence, focus, independence, behavioral regulation, and emotional resilience

  • Improved mental and emotional health

  • Opportunities to connect and build relationships with both horses and humans

Each lesson is planned and facilitated by a PATH Intl. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor or *Instructor-in-Training. Instructors individualize lessons with activities that are tailored to each rider’s goals, abilities, and interests.

* Instructor-in-Training is an official PATH Intl. classification signifying an instructor candidate who is in the process of becoming certified.


  • 4 years and older

  • Weigh 200 lbs or less

  • Physically able to sit with torso vertical and legs astride the horse

  • Physically able to maintain head and neck position without assistance

  • Disability or mental health diagnosis identified by an appropriately credentialed professional or agency

Safety is a priority at Ride for Joy, and each application is carefully screened to determine whether there are any physical or mental contraindications that would make equine-assisted activities inappropriate for the applicant. 

Cost and Scheduling

Lessons are offered during four-week and eight-week sessions, which are scheduled throughout the year. Please check the Calendar of Events for session dates.

Throughout each session, participants ride once per week during their scheduled 40-minute lesson time. Lessons are taught to individuals or small groups (typically 2-3 riders), depending on the riders’ needs and the availability of staff, horses, and volunteers.


Four-week session: $120

Eight-week session: $240

New Rider Evaluation: $25

* The Adaptive Riding program is a qualified service for FDS funding.

Sign Up

If you have not participated in RFJ’s programs before, or if you have not signed up for a session in a year or more, please follow these instructions.

To get started, carefully read the Participant Handbook.

Then, follow the steps below. All forms can be found HERE.

RFJ’s Waitlist is Currently A Year or MORe Out for Lessons

Following receipt of a completed application, the student’s name is placed on the waitlist.  Waitlisted students are moved to the active student list when space becomes available.

Current Students

Prior to each session, current students have an opportunity to sign up for weekly lessons. Ride for Joy strives to provide lesson times for all interested participants, but occasionally this is not possible. During lesson sign-ups, participants are encouraged to submit their availability as soon as possible.

To remain on the active student list:

  1. Riders must participate in one or more sessions throughout the year.

  2. Riders or their parents/guardians must submit a Returning Student Application annually.

  3. Riders and their parents/guardians must attend the annual Adaptive Riding Orientation.


Have any questions? Contact


Thank you To OUr Supporters!

  • St. Luke’s CHIF

  • Whittenberger Foundation